DIY Chic Name Cards

DIY Chic Name CardsThere’s only 3 more days until Thanksgiving! This year, B and I are taking it easy and going over to our families to celebrate rather than hosting everyone. We already started a little celebration this weekend and boy am I going to need button-less pants come actual Thanksgiving day!

If you’re hosting it this year and are still scrambling for some décor, these chic name cards may add the perfect touch to your table. Plus, I found everything for them at Michaels for cheap!

DIY Chic Name Cards

Supplies needed:
• Mini wood picture frames (I used these)
• White paint (or color of choice)
• Ribbon
• Transparent scrapbook paper
• Hot glue gun
• Metallic gold sharpieDIY Chic Name Cards

How to:

Step 1: Paint wood and let dry.

Step 2: Cut and measure out the transparent paper in order to fit onto the center of the frame.DIY Chic Name Cards

Step 3: Write name onto transparent paper.DIY Chic Name Cards

Step 4: Hot glue transparent paper onto frame.

Step 5: Hot glue ribbon around the frame for décor. Let dry.DIY Chic Name Cards

Step 6: The place cards are ready to go and onto your table!DIY Chic Name CardsDIY Chic Name CardsDIY Chic Name Cards

This DIY is quick and adds the touch you may be looking for at your Thanksgiving table this year! I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving and enjoy it with your friends and families!