Search Results for: holly

Bedroom Update: New Floor Mirror

I’ve been anxiously waiting to share today’s post with you guys! One little nook of our bedroom got a mini makeover! If you remember B and I’s nook from when I revealed Wilder’s nursery then you’d remember the big ole’ mirror we had in the corner. I loved that thing, but knew it was time to move on because it just wasn’t fitting in with our space. When I saw this beautiful leaning mirror by...

Marshmallow Peeps Milkshakes

Hey there! It’s that time of year again when you can’t walk through the store without finding Peeps on every aisle. I, Holly, am all about any holiday that involves candy, so Easter is perfect for me! Since Peeps are so popular this time of year, I thought I’d try an Easter take on a milkshake by making these marshmallow Peeps milkshakes. They’re a fun way to enjoy ice cream for Easter and the Peeps...

Snickerdoodle Butter Recipe

Hey there! I, Holly, am what you might call a cookie butter-aholic. While traditional store-bought cookie butter is delicious, I decided I needed to switch it up with my own flavor, so I made some smooth snickerdoodle butter to satisfy my cravings. I’d seen a few recipes for a snickerdoodle nut butter made with either cashews or almonds, and while I really like the healthy option of nut butter, nuts give it a specific taste....

Eggnog Marshmallows

Hi there! Holly here from Club Crafted again, and you guys are in for a treat today! December is an everything-goes kind of month for me, where I allow myself to indulge in all my favorite holiday flavors, including eggnog! Unfortunately, you can’t get eggnog the rest of the year, so it’s important to get your fix while you can. Today, I’ll share how you can make your own eggnog marshmallows, complete with a sprinkle...

Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites

Hey there! Holly here from Club Crafted. If your love of fall is anything like mine, you probably can’t wait for cooler sweater weather and boots. Since it’s still early and Southern California is still way too hot, I prepared a recipe that doesn’t require your oven but still offers one of the best flavors of the season – no-bake pumpkin cheesecake bites! These pumpkin cheesecake bites are perfect for parties or for hoarding all...

Our 10-Day California Road Trip

I finally had the time to sit down and put together a post on B and I’s 1 year anniversary trip that we took last month! I illustrated a map as a visual to show you guys where about we traveled and our stops. I think this trip was hands down one of my favorites…especially because I’ve never done a trip like this before! DAY ONE  We landed in Las Vegas around 11 a.m. and...